Course curriculum

3 Stages of the Female Psyche & The Evolution of an Entrepreneur

  • 1


    • Course Overview

  • 2

    We Are All Connected

    • Spiritual Truth

    • The Light Body and The Human Body

    • We Come From the Light

    • Remember Who You Are

  • 3

    The 3 Stages of the Female Psyche

    • Introduction

    • Stage 1 - The Predator

    • Stage 2 - The Other

    • Stage 3 - The BITCH

    • What You Remember - People Will Pay You

  • 4

    Stages Between the Stages

    • * Stages Between the Stages

  • 5

    The Evolution of an Entrepreneur

    • Business on Stage 1

    • Business on Stage 2

    • Business on Stage 3

    • Case Studies from All 3 Stages

    • Pain Body * Soul * Ego

    • Listen to Your Soul

    • Lack Mentality

    • Lack Language & The 7 Lies

    • Replacing the 7 Lies Begins with Choice

    • The Art of Noticing

    • Which Stage Are You Dancing On?

    • How to Live on Stage 3

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    Bonus: Masculine & Feminine Energies

    • Masculine and Feminine Energies in Business

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    Bonus Downloads

    • Exercise: Your Experiences on the 3 Stages

    • YOUR Words ARE YOUR Wisdom

    • YOUR Words ARE YOUR Wisdom part 2

    • Stage 1, 2, and 3 Comparative Chart

    • Evolution of an Entrepreneur Chart & Book List