Meet Your Instructor

Linda Vettrus-Nichols

Welcome to my online classroom FROM MY HEART TO YOURS! My clients call me the Queen of Clarity. I believe that fantasizing about the impossible is totally reasonable, striving for satisfaction is a must, and at the end of the day love and solid relationships are all that matter. That is why Relationship Marketing is so important, as well as understanding The 3 Stages of the Female Pscyhe. Business today is being done in the feminine. If you don't get that, you're not going to be in business for long.

Welcome to My World

I believe that everything is a choice, including how we handle our emotions. I know first hand how important it is to develop our noticing skills, rather than reacting to our lives. I learned the hard way the importance of loving yourself first. I now understand my energetic boundaries and what living in non-duality really means. I am a clarity and next step strategist. My Throw Out Your Goals Vision Strategy Roadmap is bringing PLEASURE back into the lives of stressed out entrepreneurs.
Linda at the Biltmore Village.

What Others Are Saying

Steena Marie

I didn’t have enough clients and I was overthinking every piece of content and every workshop I launched.

Spending my time wrapped up in the tech end of my business enabled me to avoid doing the real work of developing my message. Working with Linda helped me to blend motherhood with my business, develop my spirituality, and leave a relationship that left me feeling exhausted and devalued. I finally feel clear and confident in pursuing future speaking gigs, podcast interviews, and creating truly valuable content for my tribe.

Jennifer Beitz


I consider Linda Vettrus-Nichols to be my teacher. She brings out the BEST in me. Linda makes me feel like I can be myself and do anything! She is a beautiful gift that I have been fortunate enough to receive. Her courses are simple and straight forward with so much deep knowledge wrapped into a concrete and applicable format. Linda has your heart right from the start. I am so grateful for the information she has shared with me.

Alexandra Enke

In this course series Linda stays within her Zone of Genius as she distills all of her teachings into 3 significant pearls.

I love the condensed essence and simplicity of the coaching tools from author Linda Vettrus-Nichols' 21+ books. Linda makes it easy and effective to implement her content. When I completed the program, I had everything I needed to level up my relationship marketing game and felt empowered to do so. If you feel called to create your unique coaching business, each course will give you the most essential insights and methods for your journey ahead.

Jenny Landgren

I had given up my voice and feared my own power… constantly worrying about other people’s judgments… let alone my own.

I often stayed quiet and kept my passions, thoughts, and visions to myself. Through the empowerment of Linda’s online courses, I have reclaimed my voice and identified my Authentic Value. I am now able to stand powerfully in my purpose. I also fully appreciate connecting with my clients on a deeper level and forming long lasting professional connections. Working with Linda is leadership and business development in another dimension.


with Linda Vettrus-Nichols

In these courses Linda offers clarity on how to connect with others in a meaningful and profitable way. All leaders and business owners are in a steady state of consistent personal development. Relationship building conversations create a more stable income structure for your business, which includes referrals. By the end of each course you will have a clear understanding of how to authentically connect with yourself as well as others and build your business around your life.

Course Descriptions

  • Sales is Just a Conversation

    Relationship Marketing 101: It's not what you sell, it's who you sell that matters. Relationship Marketing is about social engagement outside of what you sell. At the end of the day it’s not what you are (your title), it’s who you are that matters. We are evolving into a new paradigm where People ~ Not Sales ~ Come First. Is your company surviving or thriving?

  • The 3 Stages of the Female Psyche

    The Evolution of an Entrepreneur: In order to change the world, we first get to change ourselves. Understanding The 3 Stages of the Female Psyche & The Evolution of an Entrepreneur takes the shame out of life and business, while amplifying your impact as a change agent and leader. Being vulnerable is a great place to start.

  • EVOLVE Yourself & Your Business

    Everything is a Choice: Experiences, environment, emotions, and even education influence our behaviors and our successes in life. There are no good choices, there are no bad choices, simply choices. Humanity is now witnessing the next evolutionary stage of consciousness. What does that mean for you?

Change is an Inside Job

In order to change the world, we first get to change ourselves.